- Projects

That is this very website. This is mostly built with the Astro framework, which is fitting for more static websites with less interactive bits. The website contains HTML, CSS and JavaScript. There's also a Preact component, which is a lightweight React like library. The website is hosted via Netlify.

Rust Quiz Web App

A complex full-stack web application written in Rust. I also wrote a paper on it for a MSc. in Computer Science. I like to believe I coined the RALS tech stack - Rust, Actix Web, Leptos, and SurrealDB. The application was built in a Docker container and can be successfully hosted on a Cloud Platform like DigitalOcean. Before I remove the instance, you can check it out at

Rust - Zero2Prod

Following the text Zero to Production in Rust, by Luca Palmieri. The project builds the API for an email NewLetter in Rust with Actix Web and Docker, to host on DigitalOcean.

Django-React Project Tracker

A Django and React web application aimed at helping developers track projects.

Django Recipe App API

A Django and Django-Rest-Framework web application for storing and retrieving recipies. This application is merely the API, which can be used to interact with almost any frontend application.

React Food Order App

A React frontend application for ordering food. There is no backend, just a frontend for working with React.

Coding Challenges

Coding challenges solved in different languages and found across the internet.