title: Advanced Statistics
subtitle: DLMDSAS01
authors: Prof. Dr. Unknown
publisher: IU International University of Applied Sciences
date: 2023

Unit 3: Important Probability Distributions and Their Applications

Our learning objectives are as follows:


p. 68

A deterministic system is like a series of events where we can calculate the outcome with great certainty. Thinking like trajectories in physics, a catapult launching a melon could be a deterministic system.

However, like adding aerodynamics to the melon example, even a simple system can become complex quickly. A coin toss, could be determined given force of the flip, placement of the force, duration force is exerted on coin, height of flip, etc… but with the ever growing number of variable needing to be known we end up more of a random system.

More examples include how many customers enter a shop in an hour, or when a component will fail. These could be determined given enough information, but that information is nearly impossible to obtain. So, we gather what information we can about the system, studying events and outcomes, to find if they follow a pattern. This means the occurrence of events is not fully random.

We mean that given some information, we can match to a probability distribution and the provide a suite of outcomes and associate probabilities. We cannot provide exact numbers, like exactly when a component will fail, but the probability of something, like 95% chance of failure within the next 100 hours.

We can describe the distributions in terms of their descriptive statistics such as expected value and variance.

A formal description is, we say that a given system or specific events are described by a random variable xx that follows a specific probability distribution and the values of the random variable represents measurable outcomes.

3.1 - Binomial and Negative Binomial Distribution

p. 68

Bernoulli Trials

The book gives a few examples, including the A/B testing. A Bernoulli trial is basically an event that has 2 outcomes. For the A/B testing example, a user visits a web page and are served either one of two versions. It is then assessed later which is more successful at generating revenue.

This makes probabilities quite simple. If outcome AA is P(A)=pP(A)=p, then outcome BB is P(B)=q=1pP(B)=q=1-p.

When a random variable XX describes a Bernoulli trial, we generally write XB(p)X \sim B(p).

Permutation and Combination

This is not in course book. At some point before this, probably in a discussion of Set Theory in an introductory probability course (Usually taught at the beginning), one learns counting rules. Check out the following book perhaps.

title: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
edition: 8
	- Robert V. Hogg
	- Joseph W. McKean
	- Allen T. Craig
date: 2019
publisher: Pearson

To set the stage, we let AA be a set with nn elements. We are interested in kk-tuples whose components are elements of AA.

A permutation is each such kk-tuple. It has many notations, the book uses the following:

Pkn=n(n1)(n(k1))=n!(nk)!P_k^n = n(n-1)\cdots(n-(k-1)) = \frac{n!}{(n-k)!}

The book covers a well known Birthday Problem where you calculate the probability that a given the number of people in a room, at least 2 people have the same birthday.

I now want to also look at this birthday problem. We start with the mnmn counting… each person that enters the room has 365 different birthday possibilities, excluding leap year for simplicity. The first 2 people is a room can have sets like (1 Jan, 1 Jan), or (1 Jan, 2 Jan), or etc… because we are allowing people to have the same birthdays, 2 people form a set of 3652365^2 outcomes. A group of nn people will have a total of 365n365^n outcomes.

Because we say ”at least”, a very important phrase in probability, you should instantly consider the negative of the situation. Why? Because, if it is not true that everyone has a unique birthday, then it is true that at least one pair of people have duplicate birthdays, or more. Saves us the hassle of figuring out probability of 2 people, or 3 people, or 2 and 3 people, etc…

If we have 4 people in a room, and we want to find the number of possible outcomes there for unique birthday… permutations, we start with:

  1. The first person can select from 365 unique opportunities.
  2. The second person must be unique, and has 3651=364365-1=364 choices.
  3. The third person only has 3652=363365-2=363 choices
  4. The fourth person only has 3653=362365-3=362 choices.

If there are 4 people in the room, we have then:

365×364×363×362365\times 364 \times 363 \times 362

Different permutations, which is also 365!/(3654)365!/(365-4).

The formula thus becomes:

P(at least 2 people)=1Pn365365nP(\text{at least 2 people}) = 1-{P_n^{365} \over 365^n}

So, how many people in a room for a 50% chance?

50%=1Pn365365n10.5=365!(365n)!365n0.5(365n)=365!(365n)!\begin{align*} 50\% &= 1-{P_n^{365} \over 365^n}\\ 1 - 0.5&= { {365! \over (365 - n)!} \over 365^n}\\ 0.5(365^n) &= {365! \over (365 - n)!} \end{align*}

It is here it becomes obvious that it is not easy to solve for nn. In fact, Understanding the birthday paradox | BetterExplained approximates with the exponential distribution to find the answer of 23.

P(A)=1Pn365365n=14.22×10588.56×1058=10.49350%\begin{align*} P(A) &= 1-{P_n^{365} \over 365^n}\\ &= 1- {4.22\times 10^{58} \over 8.56\times 10^{58}}\\ &= 1 - 0.493\\ &\approx 50\% \end{align*}

A combination is:

(nk)=n!k!(nk)!{n \choose k} = \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}

Basically, the events of permutations are considered distinct from each other where they are not distinct in a combination. A hand of cards might be a good example. If you draw 3 cards and want Ace, King, Queen, in that order, you would be more along the line of permutation. However, if you just wanted Ace, King, Queen in any order, that is combination.

4/524/524/52AceKingQueen\begin{array}{ccc} 4/52 & 4/52 & 4/52\\ \text{Ace} & \text{King} & \text{Queen} \end{array}


12/528/524/52firstsecondthird\begin{array}{ccc} 12/52 & 8/52 & 4/52\\ \text{first} & \text{second} & \text{third} \end{array}

Just an example of why the probabilities would be different. Not my best work but also not the focus of this section.

If you expand the binomial series:

(a+b)n=(a+b)(a+b)=k=0n(nk)akbnk(a+b)^n = (a+b)\cdots(a+b) = \sum_{k=0}^n{n \choose k}a^kb^{n-k}

This interesting property is why sometimes it is referred to as the binomial coefficient.

Binomial Distribution

p. 69

The Binomial Distribution describes the general outcomes of performing nn independent Bernoulli trials. This implies that the result does not depend on the sequence of previous observations.

The random variable XX then describes the probability that we observe event AA, which is the success mm times in our nn trials. XX is a discrete random variable taking on values {0,1,2,,n}\lbrace 0, 1, 2, \dots,n \rbrace. We then have XX successes, or occurrences of event AA, and nXn-X failures, or event BB.

We let P(A)=pP(A)=p and P(B)=q=1pP(B)=q=1-p. The overall probability is given by pxqnxp^xq^{n-x} because they are independent events.

Let’s look at a small set of just 5 events. Of these 5 events, we want 2 successes, just so we need to do a little bit of math. Given the events of AA and BB to represent success and failure, one possible outcome could be AABBBAABBB, and another BBBAABBBAA, or BABABBABAB, etc…

We have:

n,k=5,2n!,k!=120,2(nk)!=3!=6P25=n!(nk)!=1206=20\begin{align*} n, k &= 5,2\\ n!, k! &= 120,2\\ (n-k)! &= 3! = 6\\ P^5_2 &= \frac{n!}{(n-k)!} = \frac{120}{6} = 20 \end{align*}

So, there are 20 unique combinations. However, we would consider AABBBAABBB to be the same as BABABBABAB. Both have 3 failures and 2 successes. This would be how our probability in the distribution is set up. Therefore, we go from Permutation to Combination:

(nk)=n!k!(nk)!=Pknk!(52)=P25/2!=202=10\begin{align*} {n \choose k} &= \frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \frac{P^n_k}{k!}\\ {5 \choose 2} &= P^5_2/2! = \frac{20}{2} =10 \end{align*}

In the context of our situation, we have 10 uniquely different combinations. The binomial distribution does not care about the order in which success and failures occur. It’s goal is to describe the probability of observing kk “successes” in nn trials, where pp is the probability of observing a “success”. The distribution is given as follows:

XB(n,p)P(X=k)=(nk)pkqnkX \sim B(n,p) \Longleftrightarrow P(X=k) = {n \choose k}p^kq^{n-k}

You can continue the example yourself, giving reasonable values for success and failure.

The expected value is given by:

E[X]=k=0nkP(k)=np\begin{align*} E[X] &= \sum_{k=0}^nkP(k)\\ &= np \end{align*}

In this situation, xk=kx_k=k, being the number of successes, which is why it is written this way I think. This is kind of intuitive, being the probability of success times the number you want.

The variance is given by:

Var(X)=npq\begin{align*} \text{Var}(X) &= npq \end{align*}

You can check out Binomial Distribution | Wiki for proofs I think, and just more information.

The following recurrence formula is helpful in practical applications:

P(X=k+1)=p1p(nkk+1)P(X=k)P(X = k + 1) = \frac{p}{1-p} {n-k \choose k+1}P(X=k)

Negative Binomial Distribution

The Negative Binomial Distribution | Wiki predicts the number of failures in a sequence of independent and identically distributed Bernoulli trials before a specified (non-random) number of successes occurs. Example could be rolling die, a success is rolling the number one, and we want to roll two of them. The probability distribution is thus the number of failures that will occur before our success, and their associated probability of occurring.

The question is “What is the probability of only nn failures before we observe the kthk^{th} success?” The Negative Binomial Distribution is given by:

MNB(k,p)P(M=m)=(m+k1k1)pk(1p)mM \sim NB(k,p) \Longleftrightarrow P(M=m) = {m+k-1 \choose k-1}p^k(1-p)^m

where mm is the number of failures before the kthk^{th} success and pp is the probability to observe a success.

The mean is given by:

E[M]=k(1p)pE[M] = \frac{k(1-p)}{p}

And the variance is given by:

V[M]=k(1p)p2V[M] = \frac{k(1-p)}{p^2}

3.2 - Gaussian or Normal Distribution

p. 72

Author refers to “The Evolution of the Normal Distribution” in Mathematics magazine by S. Stahl (2006) for a deeper historical dive into the normal distribution. A normal random variable XX for x(,)x \in (-\infty, \infty) has PDF:

f(x)=1(2πσ2)exp((xμ)22σ2)f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{(2 \pi \sigma^2)}}\text{exp} \left( {\frac{-(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}} \right)

where exp(x)=ex\text{exp}(x) = e^x, written only to better view the exponent. The density only depends on μ\mu and σ2\sigma^2, the mean and the variance.

Setting μ=0, σ2=1\mu=0,\ \sigma^2=1 gives the standard normal distribution.

Notation for the normal distribution is often indicated with:

N(μ,σ2)\mathcal{N} (\mu, \sigma^2)

Some texts may refer to the standard deviation which can indeed make some notations confusing. I will do my best to use the variance when possible for consistency and because variance comes before standard deviation.

Law of Large Numbers

The Law of Large Numbers | Wiki is a theorem that the average of the results obtained from a large number of independent and identical random samples converges to the true value, if it exists. That is, the sample mean converges to the true mean. This guarantees stable long-term results for the averages of some random events.

The LLN only applies to the average of the results obtained from repeated trials and claims that this average converges to the expected value. It does not claim that the sum of nn results gets close to the expected values times nn as nn increases.

Distributions such as the Cauchy distribution have problems converging as nn becomes larger because of heavy tails.

Mathematically we have something like, the sample average:

Xn=1n(X1++Xn)\overline{X}_n = {1 \over n} (X_1+\cdots+X_n)

converges to the expected value:

Xnμasn\begin{array}{ccc} \overline X_n \to \mu & \text{as} & n \to \infty \end{array}

Also, for identical finite variance, Var(Xi)=σ2\text{Var}(X_i)=\sigma^2, and no correlation between random variables, the variance of the average of nn random variables is:

Var(Xn)=Var(1n(X1++Xn))=1n2Var(X1++Xn)=nσ2n2=σ2n\begin{align*} \text{Var}(\overline X_n) &= \text{Var}({1 \over n}(X_1 + \cdots + X_n))\\ &= {1 \over n^2}\text{Var}(X_1 + \cdots + X_n)\\ &= {n\sigma^2 \over n^2}\\ &= {\sigma^2 \over n} \end{align*}

Variance is a very fun topic.

There is a strong law and a weak law. You can read about them online.

Central Limit Theorem

The normal distribution is very important to the Central Limit Theorem | Wiki. The Wiki page provides a proof that spans over a good portion of mathematics from characteristic functions and little “o” notation to Taylor’s theorem.

Also check out the book referenced earlier, section 5.3.

Theorem - Central Limit Theorem: Let X1,X2,,XnX_1, X_2, \dots, X_n be observations of a random sample from a distribution that has mean μ\mu and positive variance σ2\sigma^2. Create random variable YnY_n:

Yn=i=1n(Xinμ)(nσ2)=(nn)i=1n(Xinμ)(nσ2)=(n)i=1n(Xi)n2μnσ=(n)(i=1n(Xi)nσn2μnσ)=(n)(Xiσnμσ)=(n)(Xinμσ)\begin{align*} Y_n &= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(X_i-n\mu)}{\sqrt{(n\sigma^2)}}\\ &= \left({\sqrt n \over \sqrt n}\right) \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(X_i-n\mu)}{\sqrt{(n\sigma^2)}}\\ &= (\sqrt n) \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(X_i)- n^2 \mu} {n\sigma}\\ &= (\sqrt n) \left( \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n}(X_i)} {n\sigma} - \frac{n^2 \mu} {n\sigma} \right)\\ &= (\sqrt n) \left( \frac{ \overline X_i} {\sigma} - \frac{n \mu} {\sigma} \right)\\ &= (\sqrt n) \left( \frac{ \overline X_i - n \mu} {\sigma} \right)\\ \end{align*}

This random variable converges in distribution to a random varialbe that has a normal distribution with μ=0, σ2=1\mu=0,\ \sigma^2=1.

The book “Introduction to Mathematical Statistics”, section 5.3, also provides a proof using moment generating functions.

The course book states that a probability distribution being the sum W=i=1nXiW = \sum_{i=1}^n X_i of nn independent random variables XiX_i that follow some probability distribution with mean and variance μ\mu and σ2\sigma^2; it will converge towards a normal distribution with μ=E[W]=nE[X]\mu=E[W]=nE[X] and Var[W]=nσX2\text{Var}[W]=n\sigma^2_X. That means the standard deviation is a factor of the square root of nn.

Additionally, the random variables XiX_i are generally required to be identically and independently distributed.

The book refers to the Galton Board, sometimes called a “bean machine”. Each bean, as it fall through the machine, goes through many Bernoulli trials, an experiment with two distinct outcomes. This is repeated many times for many beans, creating a normal distribution.

Because of its enormous importance in practical applications, we typically assume a normal distribution when we report measured or determined values as well as a dispersion relation.

Deviations are as follows for a normal distribution

xμσ31.74%xμ2σ4.55%xμ3σ0.27%\begin{array}{lr} |x-\mu| \ge \sigma & 31.74\%\\ |x-\mu| \ge 2\sigma & 4.55\%\\ |x-\mu| \ge 3\sigma & 0.27\%\\ \end{array}

3.3 - Poisson, Gamma-Poisson and Exponential Distribution

p. 76

We will now consider questions like, how many lightning bolts will strike the ground in a given area? Which amount of a specific product will be sold on any given day at a specific store location? The idea is a random count over some given dimension, be it area, location, possibly time, etc…

Poisson Distribution

I was looking at Poisson Distribution | LibreTexts initially, a good resource.

Poisson Distribution | Statology also appears to be a nice recourse.

The Poisson distribution describes the count data for a fully random process. Popular for modelling the number of times an event occurs in an interval of time or space. Like shoppers buying items or entering a store.

It is a discrete probability distribution that expresses the probability of a given number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space. The distribution, written XP(λ)X \sim P(\lambda) is defined as:

P(X=k)=λkeλk!P(X=k) = \frac{\lambda^ke^{-\lambda}}{k!}

Where kk is the number of events we would like to observe and λ\lambda is the average number of events we observe per unit time. So, if you want to know customers entering store per hour, then λ\lambda must be the average per hour.

The Poisson distribution emerges as the limit if we take many trials nn while keeping the mean E[X]=λ=npE[X]=\lambda=np fixed.

The course book gives some examples and notes that as λ\lambda increases, the Poisson distribution approximates a Gaussian or Normal Distribution. How do we increase lambda? You can increase the time span for events to occur. Then more events would occur and lambda would get bigger.

The course book also gives the proof that the Poisson distribution emerges as the limit of the Binomial distribution as nn \to \infty. It is more of an approximation.

From this approximation though, we can derive two important characteristics:

  1. The Poisson probability distribution gives the probability of a number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space.
  2. The Poisson distribution can be used to approximate the binomial if the probability of success is “small” and the number or trials is “large”. A small success rate is p0.01p \le 0.01 and a large number of trials is n1,000n \ge 1,000.

Another fun fact is:

E[X]=Var[X]=λE[X] = \text{Var}[X] = \lambda

The course book quickly covers an example of customers entering a store and noting that the variance does not quite equal the mean. This means that the assumption of a Poisson distribution does not quite hold. However, the Poisson distribution can still describe the data reasonably well.

Since the Central Limit Theorem is the sum of independent and identically distributed probability distributions, what is the sum of Independent Poisson random variables? The sum of independent numbers distributed according to a Poisson distribution is… a Poisson distribution!

The book shows the proof on pp. 78-81.

The new lambda is λ=λ1+λ2++λn\lambda = \lambda_1 + \lambda_2 + \dots + \lambda_n. And remember that the larger the parameter lambda becomes, the closer it is to resembling a normal distribution, which we would expect from the central limit theorem.

Gamma-Poisson Mixture Model

p. 81

The Poisson distribution has the limitation that it is not great for modelling over-dispersed data where σ2>λ\sigma^2 \gt \lambda. This will require a more general approach to describe discrete count data.

Having the parameter lambda for Poisson implies that we know the value of the mean without uncertainties. However, in practical applications, the mean itself is typically a random variable and therefore needs to be described by a probability distribution. This can be done with Bayesian Statistics. This field uses the information of a sample and the prior assumption to allow you to compute the modelled distribution.

Definition - Conjugate Prior: The prior is of the same family of distributions as the posterior.

The Gamma family of distribution is a conjugate prior for the Poisson distribution. We will use it as a prior for the Poisson parameter λ\lambda.

XPoisson(λ)whereλGamma(r,p)\begin{array}{lcr} X\sim \text{Poisson}(\lambda) & \text{where} & \lambda\sim\text{Gamma}(r,p) \end{array}

This is typically parameterized as Gamma

ΛGamma(r,p1p)P(Λ<t)=t(p1p)rΓ(r)λr1ep1pλ dλ\Lambda\sim\text{Gamma}(r,{p \over 1-p}) \Longleftrightarrow P(\Lambda \lt t) = \int_{-\infty}^t \frac{ \left({p \over 1-p}\right)^r }{\Gamma(r)} \lambda^{r-1} e^{-{p \over 1-p}\lambda} \ d\lambda

That is a bit to take in. So, rr is a form parameter and the rate p/(1p)p/(1-p) is chosen from the binomial distribution. That indicates the prior describes the total count of r1r-1 in p1p{p \over 1-p} prior observations.

We can also express this by the following convolution integral:

P(γ<c  r,p)=0fPoisson(λ)(c)fGamma(r,p1p)(λ)  dλP(\gamma \lt c \ | \ r,p) = \int_0^{\infty} f_{\text{Poisson}(\lambda)}(c) \cdot f_{\text{Gamma}(r,{p \over 1-p})}(\lambda) \; d\lambda

The Gamma-Poisson mixture model can also be expressed as the negative binomial distribution. You start with the convolution integral above and insert the definition of the distributions.

Let α\alpha be a shape parameter and β\beta be an inverse scale parameter:

fα,β(x)=βαxα1eβxΓ(α)f_{\alpha, \beta}(x) = { \beta^{\alpha}x^{\alpha-1}e^{-\beta x} \over \Gamma(\alpha) }

Gamma has some fun properties. The Gamma function arises from the extension of the factorial to non-integer numbers via:



Γ(x+1)=x!\Gamma(x+1) = x!

We let α=r\alpha = r and β=1pp\beta = {1-p \over p} (because it is inverse), and pop those into our equations. The book does a great job pp. 82-83. It ends up with

P(k  r,p)=(k+r1k)pkqrP(k \ | \ r,p) = {k+r-1 \choose k}p^kq^r

This means that we can describe a Poisson-process where we treat the parameter as a random variable following a Gamma function as prior using a negative binomial distribution. We can use the following relationship between mean and variance of the distribution with the parameters of the negative-binomial distribution:

p=μσ2r=μ2σ2μ\begin{align*} p &= {\mu \over \sigma^2}\\ r &= {\mu^2 \over \sigma^2 - \mu} \end{align*}

where we assume σ2>μ\sigma^2 \gt \mu.

Exponential Distribution

p. 85

We have been counting events occurring in an amount of time or space. But we can flip the question and ask how long do we wait to observe the next event? This begins down the road of failure modelling and life contingencies.

A fixed rate means that the rate and mean are static and connected by μ=λt\mu=\lambda t. In that equation, we are letting λ\lambda be the fixed rate.

For the Poisson distribution, lambda was the mean, so we can replace that with the more expressive mean equation. There’s a good section here, The Exponential Distribution | Stats.LibreTests, about this distribution.

Basically, you can derive the cumulative distribution function from the Poisson like:

P(k events in time t)=(λt)keλtk!P(no events until time t)=(λt)0eλt0!P(L>t)=eλtP(Lt)=1eλt=F(t)f(t)=λeλtt>0\begin{align*} P(k\text{ events in time }t) &= \frac{(\lambda t)^ke^{-\lambda t}}{k!}\\ P(\text{no events until time }t) &= \frac{(\lambda t)^0e^{-\lambda t}}{0!}\\ P(L \gt t) &= e^{-\lambda t}\\ P(L \le t) &= 1-e^{-\lambda t} = F(t)\\ f(t) &= \begin{array}{cc} \lambda e^{-\lambda t} & t\gt 0\\ \end{array} \end{align*}

We let P(L>t)P(L \gt t) mean the probability that the time it takes for one event to occur is greater than tt. Sorry to throw a Random variable (pun intended) into the mix half way through.

Exponential distribution has a fun memoryless property. If you wait some time for an event to occur and it does not occur, then you check the probability again, it will not change. Something like:

P(Xx+y  Xx)=P(Xy)P(X \ge x + y \ | \ X \ge x) = P(X \ge y)

The “Introduction to Mathematical Statistics” book leaves 2 cases of this property to the reader to solve. Good luck.

3.4 - Weibull Distribution

p. 87

The exponential distribution describes when it is most likely that the next event occurs. Looking at the density function though, you’ll see that the absolute most likely moment for the next event is always “now”. This is because the exponential distribution falls monotonously. This is not always desired.

The Weibull Distribution was originally developed in the context of materials science to describe failure of materials under stress. It has many other applications. It is given by:

P(X=x;λ,k)={kλ(xλ)k1e(x/λ)kx00x<0P(X=x; \lambda,k) = \begin{cases} {k \over \lambda}({x \over \lambda})^{k-1}e^{(x/\lambda)^k} & x \ge 0\\ 0 & x\lt 0 \end{cases}

where k>0k\gt 0 is the “shape” parameter or the Weibull modulus. In the case that k=1k=1, the Weibull distribution reduces to the exponential distribution! There are 3 different regimes for the shape parameter kk:

The distribution becomes more symmetric and localized for values k1k \gg 1, much greater than. The course book shows graphs where even for k=5k=5 it begins looking more symmetric.

For predictive maintenance, we can use observational data from the component to predict the parameters of the Weibull distribution. We could then define a threshold where the risk of failure is acceptable and schedule the maintenance once the probability of failure approaches this threshold.

3.5 - Transformed Random Variables

The new question is centred around multivariate random variables. The book “Introduction to Mathematical Statistics” designates Chapter 2 to Multivariate Distributions. They start with basic coin flip example.

Definition - Random Vector: given a random experiment with a sample space C\mathcal C, consider two random variables X1X_1 and X2X_2, which assign to each element cc of C\mathcal C one and only one ordered pair, (X1(c),X2(c))(X_1(c), X_2(c)). The ordered pair is the random vector and lives in the space, or set of ordered pairs, D={(x1,x2) : x1=X1(c),x2=X2(c),cC}\mathcal D = \lbrace (x_1,x_2)\ : \ x_1=X_1(c), x_2=X_2(c), c \in \mathcal C \rbrace.

The course book looks at 2 Gamma distributions XΓ(2,5)X \sim \Gamma(2,5) and YΓ(2,5)Y \sim \Gamma(2,5). What can we then say about T=XYT=X-Y?

We can say that TT is also a random variable that maps sample space to some real numbers T:SRT:S\to R, with any real values. We can also compute the density of TT provided the following general theorem that requires to reason over multivariate random variables.

Transformed Variables

Need to lay down some of the ground work.

A multivariate continuous random variable is a mapping from the sample space SS to the set of vectors in Rn:X:SRn\mathbb R^n: X:S \to \mathbb R^n.

Let D\mathcal D be the set of possible values of X(s)X(s). So, in the above, we have that XX is like a function that takes in sSs \in S and maps to dDd \in \mathcal D now. Something like in our Gamma example, D\mathcal D is the set of (x,y)(x,y) where both x,y>0x,y \gt 0.

Now, suppose we have a mapping g:DEg:\mathcal D \to E where EE is a subset of Rn\mathbb R^n. It is like we have another function g(d)g(d) that takes in elements of D\mathcal D, which are themselves functions of X(s)X(s). We have then g(X(s))g(X(s)), often written as gXg \circ X or g(X)g(X).

The course book continues that it is the same as having a series of continuous random variables, expressed as Xi(0in)X_i(0 \le i \le n) and a series of functions gi:RnRg_i:\mathbb R^n \to \mathbb R. Consider:

g(X)(s)=(g1(X1(s),,Xn(s)),,gn(X1(s),,Xn(s)))g(X)(s) = \left( \enspace g_1(X_1(s),\dots,X_n(s)) \enspace, \dots, \enspace g_n(X_1(s),\dots,X_n(s))\enspace \right)

I added spaces to hopefully clarify what is encapsulated. For the two Gamma random variables example, we’d have that X1=XX_1=X and X2=YX_2=Y. Then, we can take, as transformation the mapping g(x,y)=(xy,x+y)g(x,y)=\left( x-y, x+y \right) from D=R+×R+\mathcal D = \mathbb R^+ \times \mathbb R^+.

Now suppose that g()g() is differentiable transformation. This means that gi(x1,,xn)g_i(x_1,\dots, x_n) is differentiable, that gixj{\partial g_i \over \partial x_j} exists for each 0i, jn0\le i,\ j\le n. We also suppose that the inverse g1:EDg^{-1}:E \to \mathcal D of gg also exists. We can then have the following transformation theorem, proven in “Introduction to Mathematical Statistics” book by Hogg:

fg(X)(e)=fX(g1(e))Jg1(e)f_{g(X)}(e) = f_X(g^{-1}(e))\cdot |J_{g^{-1}}(e)|

Jg1(e)J_{g^{-1}}(e) is the Jacobian of the transformation g1g^{-1} and is non-zero at least in on ee. I think I have notes from the Advanced Maths course, but the Jacobian is the determinant of the matrix of each partial derivative of g1g^{-1}.

The transformation theorem allows us to calculate the probability density function of a transformed random variable allows us to calculate the probability density function of a transformed random variable by combining the density with the inverse of the transformation and multiplying by the Jacobian of the inverse of the transformation.

Example of T=XYT=X-Y provided on pp. 91-93.

Knowledge Check

Exponential Distribution | ProbabilityCourse

I am not a fan of how the questions are worded and what is chosen to be quizzed on.

Define a random variable the follows the Bernoulli distribution.

XB(p)X \sim B(p)

It only has on parameter and it’s values can be anything really, not just 0 or 1.

Suppose XX follows and exponential distribution with parameter λ\lambda.

The parameter is inverse mean. And the variance is then the mean squared.

Which is correct?

Which is correct?

One can say that a variable XX follows, approximately, a normal distribution XN(μ,σ)X\sim N(\mu, \sigma) when…?

When XX is the sum of many iid variables, as per the central limit theorem. Not if XX is the average of many RVs or the sum of many uniform RVs, something I don’t think was even covered yet.